Past GPSL Events
The Great Plains Super Launch was started in 2001 by Paul Verhage. Events have happened every summer since 2001 in the Great Plains area.
Super Launch 2023 - Huntsville, Alabama
Dates: 15-17 June 2023
Host: Bill Brown, WB8ELK
Symposium Location: Huntsville, AL
Launch Location: Huntsville, AL
Session Recordings
- Shooting Down Payloads & Resultant Legislation
- Soundehub Balloon Tracking Website
- Flying Pico Balloons in Antartica
- "Shadow Band" Phenomena During Solar Eclipses
- DROP: Designated Releast of Payload
- High Altitude Visual Orientation Control (HAVOC)
- Balloon Payloads with 4FSK and LoRa
- Balloon Borne HF/VHF Linear Translators
- Mass Launch

Super Launch 2022 - Virtual Event
Dates: 15-16 July 2022
Host: Mike Hojnowsky
Symposium Location: Online
Launch Location: Various across USA
Session Recordings
- ERadiosonde Tracking et al
- New U4B WSPR Payload
- Closing the Link on the World's Smallest Spacecraft
- Youth on the Air 2022
- Pico Payloads & Balloons
- Pic-o-Tracker
- Using Balloon Borne Instruments to Hunt for Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes
- Smart Balloon Altitude Control and Antartica Pico Balloon Mission
- Brian Tanner's HAB STEM Flights of Spaceport
- Extended Duration Studies of Energetic Particles in the Stratosphere
- Flashing a Repurposed RS41 Weathersonde for HAB
- Transmitting JPEG Pictures to the Ground using RS41 Sondes

Super Launch 2021 - Virtual Event
Dates: 9-10 July 2021
Host: Mike Hojnowsky
Symposium Location: Online
Launch Location: Various across USA
Host: Mike Hojnowsky
Symposium Location: Online
Launch Location: Various across USA
Session Recordings

Super Launch 2020 - Virtual Event
Dates: 10-11 July 2020
Host: Mark Conner, N9XTN
Symposium Location: Online
Launch Location: Various across USA
Host: Mark Conner, N9XTN
Symposium Location: Online
Launch Location: Various across USA
Session Recordings
- Experience in Scientific Ballooning in India
- ARHAB in the UK
- Silicon Radiation Detectors
- Cross Country Balloon Race
- Pico Ballooning Techniques & Hardware
- De-Spun Camera Platform Using Arduino
- ADS-B Payload
- NWS Radiosondes Chasing
- Livestreaming Balloon Video to Youtube
- Live stream Balloon Video
- GPSL Launch Critique
- GPSL Virtual Launch 2020

Super Launch 2019 - Pella, Iowa
Dates: 13-15 June 2019
Host: Mike Morgan, N0MPM
Symposium Location: Pella, IA
Launch Location: Pella, IA
Host: Mike Morgan, N0MPM
Symposium Location: Pella, IA
Launch Location: Pella, IA
Session Recordings

Super Launch 2018 - Nampa, Idaho
Dates: June 2018
Host: Paul Verhage, KD4STH
Symposium Location: Nampa, ID
Launch Location: Nampa, ID
Host: Paul Verhage, KD4STH
Symposium Location: Nampa, ID
Launch Location: Nampa, ID
Session Recordings

Super Launch 2017 - Hutchinson, Kansas
Dates: 15-17 June 2017
Host: Zack Clobes, W0ZC
Symposium Location: Hutchinson, KS
Launch Location: Hutchinson, KS
Host: Zack Clobes, W0ZC
Symposium Location: Hutchinson, KS
Launch Location: Hutchinson, KS

Super Launch 2016 - Granbury, Texas
Dates: 16-18 June 2016
Host: Mike, K5NOT
Symposium Location: Granbury, TX
Launch Location: Granbury, TX
Host: Mike, K5NOT
Symposium Location: Granbury, TX
Launch Location: Granbury, TX
Session Recordings

Super Launch 2015 - St. Louis, Missouri
Dates: 18-19 June 2015
Host: Michael Moody and Carlton Corbitt
Symposium Location: Moscow Mills, MO
Launch Location: Moscow Mills, MO
Host: Michael Moody and Carlton Corbitt
Symposium Location: Moscow Mills, MO
Launch Location: Moscow Mills, MO

Super Launch 2014 - Hutchinson, Kansas
Dates: 11-12 June 2014
Host: Zack Clobes, W0ZC
Symposium Location: Hutchinson, KS
Launch Location: Hutchinson, KS
Host: Zack Clobes, W0ZC
Symposium Location: Hutchinson, KS
Launch Location: Hutchinson, KS
Session Recordings

Super Launch 2013 - Pella, Iowa
Dates: 14-15 June 2013
Host: Mike Morgan, N0MPM
Symposium Location: Pella, IA
Launch Location: Iowa
Host: Mike Morgan, N0MPM
Symposium Location: Pella, IA
Launch Location: Iowa

Super Launch 2012 - Omaha, Nebraska
Dates: 8-9 June 2012
Host: Mark Conner, N9XTN
Symposium Location: Omaha, NE
Launch Location: Omaha, NE
Host: Mark Conner, N9XTN
Symposium Location: Omaha, NE
Launch Location: Omaha, NE
Session Recordings

Super Launch 2011 - Colorado Springs, Colorado
Dates: 29-30 July 2011
Host: Edge of Space Sciences
Symposium Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Launch Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Host: Edge of Space Sciences
Symposium Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Launch Location: Colorado Springs, CO

Super Launch 2010 - Hutchinson, Kansas
Dates: 23-24 July 2010
Host: Zack Clobes, W0ZC
Symposium Location: Hutchinson, KS
Launch Location: Hutchinson, KS
Host: Zack Clobes, W0ZC
Symposium Location: Hutchinson, KS
Launch Location: Hutchinson, KS
Session Recordings

Super Launch 2009 - Topeka, Kansas
Dates: 17-18 July 2009
Host: Paul Verhage, KD4STH
Symposium Location: Topeka, KS
Launch Location: Topeka, KS
Host: Paul Verhage, KD4STH
Symposium Location: Topeka, KS
Launch Location: Topeka, KS
Session Recordings

Super Launch 2008 - Liberty, Missouri
Dates: XX-XX July 2008
Host: Near Space Ventures
Symposium Location: Liberty, MO
Launch Location: Liberty, MO
Host: Near Space Ventures
Symposium Location: Liberty, MO
Launch Location: Liberty, MO
Session Recordings

Super Launch 2007 - Grand Island, Nebraska
Dates: XX-XX July 2007
Host: Roger Hammond, KC0MWM
Symposium Location: Grand Island, NE
Launch Location: Grand Island, NE
Host: Roger Hammond, KC0MWM
Symposium Location: Grand Island, NE
Launch Location: Grand Island, NE

Super Launch 2006 - Hutchinson, Kansas
Dates: XX-XX July 2006
Host: Zack Clobes, W0ZC
Symposium Location: Hutchinson, KS
Launch Location: Lyons, KS
Host: Zack Clobes, W0ZC
Symposium Location: Hutchinson, KS
Launch Location: Lyons, KS

Super Launch 2005 - Omaha, Nebraska
Dates: 1-2 July 2005
Host: Mark Conner, N9XTN
Symposium Location: Omaha, NE
Launch Location: Omaha, NE
Host: Mark Conner, N9XTN
Symposium Location: Omaha, NE
Launch Location: Omaha, NE

Super Launch 2004 - Hutchinson, Kansas
Dates: 2-3 July 2004
Host: Zack Clobes, W0ZC
Symposium Location: Hutchinson, KS
Launch Location: McPherson, KS
Host: Zack Clobes, W0ZC
Symposium Location: Hutchinson, KS
Launch Location: McPherson, KS

Super Launch 2003 -
Dates: June 2003
Host: Edge of Space Sciences
Symposium Location: Boulder, CO
Launch Location: UNKNOWN
Host: Edge of Space Sciences
Symposium Location: Boulder, CO
Launch Location: UNKNOWN

Super Launch 2002 - Herrington, Kansas
Dates: XX-XX July 2002
Host: Paul Verhage, KD4STH
Symposium Location: Manhattan, KS
Launch Location: Herrington, KS
Host: Paul Verhage, KD4STH
Symposium Location: Manhattan, KS
Launch Location: Herrington, KS

Super Launch 2001 - Manhattan, Kansas
Dates: XX-XX July 2001
Host: Paul Verhage, KD4STH
Symposium Location: Manhattan, KS
Launch Location: Manhattan, KS
Host: Paul Verhage, KD4STH
Symposium Location: Manhattan, KS
Launch Location: Manhattan, KS